Maximize productivity with personalized, automated calling

Voice Self-Service for your growing business needs

Retrieve Service Detail Records

The sdr (Service Detail Record) API allows you to retrieve the service detail records associated with your account.

The API returns batches of SDRs, with next and previous links to retrieve additional records.

NOTE: The date range is limited to a span of 90 days.


apiKey Required The apiKey associates the API call with your account.
startDate Required The starting date/time for SDRs to be returned. Format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mi:ss.
endDate Required The ending date/time for SDRs to be returned. Format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mi:ss.
callingParty Optional The A-number of the SDR.
calledParty Optional The B-number of the SDR.
max Optional, Default/Max 500 Limits the number of SDRs that will be returned with a single query.

Example CURL Command
Copy the command and replace with your {apiKey}, the required params and any optional params.

curl "{apiKey}&max=100"

Example XML Response

 <result xmlns:xsi=''> 
  <link rel='next' href=''/>
   <sdr id='3' href=''>
     <callType>Application Outdial</callType>
     <serviceType>Outbound Call</serviceType>

Example JSON Response


Response Field Definitions

Element Name Description
count The number of records returned.
total The total number of records matching the search criteria.
id Unique identification number of the session.
href The location of the SDR Resource.
seqnum Sequence number of the record.
subscriber The Nimblevox Blast account number.
billStart Date/Time the service was initiated.
billEnd Date/Time the service was terminated.
callingParty The A-number of the SDR.
calledParty The B-number of the SDR.
callType The type of call performed, e.g. Application Outdial, Incoming Call, etc.
serviceType The type of service performed, e.g. Outbound Call, Inbound Call, etc.
billUnits This is the number of units actually billed for this service instance.
moneyCharge Money charged to the subscriber for the service.
bonusCharge Bonus money charged to the subscriber for the service.
endingBalance The subscriber ending balance after the service charges.
endingBonusBalance The subscriber ending bonus balance after the bonus service charges.
correlationId Correlates this service detail record to external activity. This is usually the SIP Call ID.
serviceTime Total time or volume used.
clientTime Time from service authorization to service tear down.
customCallDataList Lists any custom call data that was provisioned by your spotbuild application.
